26 mrt20:00 - 21:10Extra: Het Laatste WoordTR25 Schouwburg, RotterdamGrote zaal
Rang 1 Standaard € 25,00 TR Pas € 20,00 Rotterdampas € 20,00 t/m 30 jaar € 12,50
The fringes of an unreality
Building on his previous works, such as SHAKTI and AGHORI, which are rooted in Indian philosophy and Hindu culture, Shailesh Bahoran in MYSTIC seeks the universality of the mystical. How can something in different cultures, at different times, in different places, and among various people bring about the same experience? With a background in hip hop culture, Shailesh Bahoran collaborates with ICK Dans Amsterdam, venturing with the ensemble's dancers who have classical/contemporary backgrounds. Cross-pollination is also sought in the music and spiritual aspects of the culture of the Amsterdam Andalusian Orchestra. Six musicians perform live during the show.
In the press
''Mystic imagines direct communication from one soul to another" - Het Parool
"According to Bahoran, the need for contact with the immaterial is an inseparable part of our humanity. With this enchanting performance, he succeeds in fulfilling this need." - Theaterkrant
choreografie Shailesh Bahoran, coproductie ICK Dans Amsterdam, Illusionary Rockaz Company (IRC), Amsterdams Andalusisch Orkest en de Meervaart, dansers: ICK-ensemble (ICK Dans Amsterdam)