14 feb19:30 - 20:50TR25 Schouwburg, RotterdamKrijn Boon Studio
FOURxFOUR (14+) celebrates dance through four diverse short performances for both new and experienced viewers. Four emerging artists, chosen and guided by Theater a/d Rijn, showcase their fresh perspectives on dance and movement. In a mix of backgrounds, styles and cultures, we strip dance down to its energetic core and let the body’s imagination speak. From Hip Hop to contemporary dance and everything in between: FOURxFOUR presents a kaleidoscopic perspective of dance.
‘When it comes to the future of dance, there’s undeniable promise in several of these creators.’ — Moos van den Broek Theaterkrant
About the makers and their work
Amisha Kumra is an Indian movement artist from Norway with a background in various dance styles. Together with musician Ciro M. Goudsmit, she explores the navigation between taught and ancestral movement in _peeling my purple onion. They communicate with each other through chakra frequencies and the rhythms of kathak, Hip Hop and house. Join them on a journey where the awareness from the breathing techniques pranayama is the driving force between live music and dance.
The Arnhem-based duo Emma Hanekoot and Emma Versluys is also known as Peeled Collective. For FOURxFOUR, they create het vouwen van stemmen (English: the folding of voices). It is an intimate dance theater piece about transgenerational trauma. Through poetry written by Emma Hanekoot and visual art by Emma Versluys, they create a dynamic and evocative dance duet.
For Niek Vanoosterweyck, movement is a powerful tool for self-discovery, allowing him to explore and push beyond his perceived limits. In *click* Niek dances with interactive lasers and sound effects, leading to an explosive result. Inspired by the expressive styles of Anime, Niek presents an overwhelming performance about creation and inevitable destruction.
Director and choreographer Ibrah Silas Jackson comes from Hip Hop, but also draws inspiration from funk and African cultures. For Unravel Threads, he delves into the effects of peer pressure, such as outside expectations and performance anxiety that young people deal with. Three dancers from different styles each look for authenticity and self-empowerment.
The Kitchen
In The Kitchen serveert Theater Rotterdam de makers van de toekomst. In de intieme setting van de Krijn Boon Studio krijg je een kijkje in de keuken van de maker. Je bent getuige van nieuwe theaterrecepten, verrassende smaken en een spannende mix van stijlen. Come see what’s cookin’!
Als het gaat om de toekomst van de dans, dan ligt de belofte zeker bij een aantal van deze makers. — Theaterkrant
_peeling my purple onion | concept, choreografie & performance Amisha Kumra muziek Ciro Goudsmit
*click* | concept, choreografie & performance Niek Vanoosterweyck interactief laser ontwerp Cris Mollee geluidsontwerp Marijn Brussaard
het vouwen van stemmen | concept Peeled Collective; Emma Hanekroot, Emma Versluys choreografie Peeled Collective i.s.m. Ischa Statie performers Emma Versluys, Ischa Statie geluidsontwerp Merit Vessies tekst Emma Hanekroot illustraties Emma Versluys
Unravel Threads | concept & choreografie Ibrah Silas Jackson performers Angel Ali Gonzalez Felix, Oumar Jalloh, Melano Bruinhart geluidsontwerp Bastian Benjamin
Lichtontwerp Rob Daanen dramaturgie Eylül Fidan Akıncı artistieke begeleiding Eylül Fidan Akıncı, Peter Hendrikx choreografisch advies Erik Kaiel campagne All Days Off, Studio Marleen Vos productie Theater a/d Rijn, aangesloten bij De Nieuwe Oost in samenwerking met ArtEZ Artisteducator in dance, Cultura Ede, De Fransche School, Theater De Storm, Theater Orpheus mede mogelijk gemaakt door Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur & Wetenschap, Provincie Gelderland, Provincie Overijssel, Gemeente Arnhem