Double Bill: Faizah Grootens & Rutkay Özpinar
15 feb20:15TR25 Schouwburg, RotterdamKleine Zaal
Vrije plaatskeuze Standaard € 19,00 TR Pas € 14,00 Rotterdampas € 14,00 t/m 30 jaar € 10,00
Two contrasting works by two Korzo makers
During this double bill by Korzo, you will see two contrasting works by two korzo makers: Something about Something by Rutkay Özpinar and a new work by Faizah Grootens
Something about Something | Rutkay Özpinar
Dance expresses itself in a way that cannot be put into words or understood. What exactly is being told with these movements, and what message is being conveyed? Rutkay Özpinar believes that dance speaks for itself. The magic lies precisely in the wonder that cannot be expressed in words. Therefore in Something about Something the meaning or story is left to the interpretation of the audience.
New work | Faizah Grootens
For this double bill, Faizah Grootens will present a new work. We will announce more soon.
Something about Something
choreografie Rutkay Özpinar dansers Clara Cafiero, José (Kino) Luque, Rutkay Özpinar muziek Jorg Schellekens kostuumontwerp Annemarije van Harten uitvoering kostuums Hermien Hollander lichtontwerp Lisette van der Linden coaching Anouk van Dijk marketing Mitchell – lee Van Rooij productie Mirjam Dales