The Music of Hans Zimmer & Others

Star Entertainment
ma 30 dec 20:00 - 22:30
  • 30 dec
    20:00 - 22:30
    TR25 Schouwburg, Rotterdam
    Grote zaal

Hans Zimmer is één van de grootste namen als het gaat om filmmuziek. Hij componeerde onder andere de muziek uit "Dune," "James Bond," "Pirates of the Caribbean," "The Lion King," "Gladiator," "The Dark Knight," "Inception," "Interstellar," en vele andere topproducties.

De avond is een fascinerend concert met een filmorkest, koor, solisten, een speciale gast uit de films en geselecteerde filmfragmenten. Dompel je onder in de muzikale wereld van Hans Zimmer en bemachtig nu je tickets! 


Hans Zimmer is one of the biggest names when it comes to film music. He composed the music for "Dune," "James Bond," "Pirates of the Caribbean," "The Lion King," "Gladiator," "The Dark Knight," "Inception," "Interstellar," and many other top productions.

The evening is a fascinating concert with a film orchestra, choir, soloists, a special guest from the films, and selected film clips. Immerse yourself in the musical world of Hans Zimmer and get your tickets now!