19 dec19:00 - 23:00Om 19:30 live gesprek met de makerTR25 Schouwburg, RotterdamHal Theater
21 dec19:00 - 22:00TR25 Schouwburg, RotterdamHal Theater
22 dec14:00 - 18:00TR25 Schouwburg, RotterdamHal Theater
A vibrant working-class neighbourhood has to make way for luxury housing. Fantoomwijk depicts the destructive impact on former residents.
FANTOOMWIJK is the urgent, unsettling, and experimental work by director Ravi Sandberg, about the Tweebosbuurt in Rotterdam. The bespoken neighborhood was demolished to make way for luxury housing, forcing residents to leave their homes. By using different styles of filming like infrared and drone shots, the viewer keeps shifting between opposite perspectives – between the system and those affected by it.
FANTOOMWIJK gives voice to the evicted locals of a neighborhood that was once a bustling part of the city. A gripping short film about the human cost of urban development, representing the global issue of gentrification in big cities.
The filmmaker
Ravi Sandberg is a filmmaker of Indian-Dutch origin based in Rotterdam. In 2018 he graduated from the HKU University of the Arts Utrecht with his film 'Rain', for which he won the NL Filmfund Wildcard and which was screened at various national and international film festivals. With the budget from the Filmfund Wildcard Ravi made 'Seeds' which premiered in 2021 at the Netherlands Film Festival and was nominated for the Best Debut Price. In 2022 Ravi won the RTM Pitch Prize of the International Film Festival Rotterdam, which granted him a budget to create his new film 'FANTOOMWIJK '. 'FANTOOMWIJK ' premiered in 2023 at the International Film Festival Rotterdam and subsequently screened at festivals around the world.
Duration 15 min
Year 2023