9 mei20:15TR25 Schouwburg, RotterdamKleine Zaal
Vrije plaatskeuze Standaard € 19,00 TR Pas € 14,00 Rotterdampas € 14,00 t/m 30 jaar € 10,00
At the intersection of climate change, aging, and parenthood, HOT WALK explores both the pain of change and its healing properties. It is a performance of a conversation (in English) between two women from different backgrounds. They move on two treadmills in a space that mimics a futuristic gym, surrounded by images of a picturesque landscaped park through which they appear to walk. Meanwhile, their conversation revolves around heat, wandering from the battle against the aging female body and its increasing warmth as fertility declines, to the looming extinction caused by global warming, and other "hot" topics like desire, anger, grief, and motherhood.
Speech, Dance, and Setting
As an audience, we witness an alternately dryly comic and unsettling interplay of conversation, movement, and gestures in a simulated outdoor space. The conversation unfolds in five cycles, interspersed with intervals during which dance takes on an increasingly prominent role. The choreography of voice and body is highly detailed in rhythm and musicality, diction, and articulation. This creates the illusion of a lively, spontaneous exchange between the women, though one that is entirely artificial and mirrors the landscaped perfection and controlled aesthetics of the park.
Gradually, speech, movement, and staging become intertwined: walking becomes dancing, speech becomes singing, and the park transforms into an entirely different place. A gateway opens to a future we can only begin to imagine.
Keren Levi
Keren Levi has been creating multidisciplinary dance performances since 2004. Her work is presented in theaters and festivals in Amsterdam and various cities across the Netherlands. A recurring element in her oeuvre is creating different types of work—both for adults and younger audiences—rooted in a central idea.
With a playful and inventive combination of abstract concepts and technology, Levi sparks the imagination of adults, children, and young people. Her performances have received numerous awards, such as the BNG Prize (2006) for Territory, the Zilveren Krekel (2011) for couple-like#2 (young audiences), and the Dioraphte Prize at the Nederlandse Dansdagen (2013) for The Dry Piece.
As in Territory and The Dry Piece, the theme of perception—combining multiple perspectives and manipulating video imagery—plays a significant role in HOT WALK.
choreografie Keren Levi performers Hillary Blake Firestone (L) & Esther Mugambi (R) video Assi Weitz & Rob Gradisen muziek Tom Parkinson dramaturgie Igor Dobričić licht Martin Kaffarnik planontwikkeling Judith Schoneveld productie stichting NeverLike coproductie FFT Düsseldorf, Theater im Pumpenhaus Münster, SPRING Utrecht fonds AFK , FPK