15 sep20:00TRY-OUTTR8 William Boothlaan, RotterdamZaal
16 sep20:00PREMIÈRETR8 William Boothlaan, RotterdamZaal
19 sep19:30September me, AmersfoortFlint: Rabobank Theaterzaal
19 sep21:15September me, AmersfoortFlint: Rabobank Theaterzaal
Marjolijn van Heemstra & Pynarello
A poetic concert about how we want to be remembered
In 1977 two space probes, Voyager 1 & 2, took off on a scientific mission to the edge of our solar system. When this mission was completed, another stranger mission began.
Jupiter's gravity hurled the Voyagers into interstellar space where they will shoot through the cosmos at a speed of fifteen kilometers per second for a billion years. On board sits a message from us here on Earth. A message in a bottle, for someone or something on the other side, in the form of a Golden Record: our words, our songs, our sunset engraved on a gold gramophone record. A ‘best of earth’ in ninety minutes of audio and just over a hundred images. On the way to something we will never know or understand but where we will be present in a sense. Thanks to this small hit parade by the third planet from the sun.
In a poetic concert, Marjolijn van Heemstra and Pynarello explore in language and music what this cosmic message in a bottle tells us about who we are and how we will one day be remembered in a galaxy far away.
Marjolijn van Heemstra (1981) is a writer and theater maker, with a great fascination for space. In the past year she wrote a series for the Correspondent about how space can help us to look at ourselves and the earth with new eyes.
"Van Heemstra is an inspired storyteller" (Trouw)
"Calming, abrasive and hypnotising" (Volkskrant)
Rebel collective Pynarello shows that classical music can be done differently; more adventurous, more spontaneous, more direct, without a conductor and without sheet music. Five Pynarelli are writing their own music especially for this performance.
"The dynamics that are produced by all of this was wonderfully tangible and audible" (Trouw)
"Prachtig optreden, met een heerlijk relativerende conclusie."
"Marjolijn van Heemstra weet het heelal telkens nog iets mooier, kleiner, reflecterender, poëtischer en humoristischer te maken."
Milo Grootjes - Hoofd ARTIS-Planetarium
“Marjolijn is een groot verteller en haar gedichten passen prachtig in het thema”.
"Als er geluid was in de luchtledigheid van de ruimte, zou het zo klinken!"
"De voorstelling en de met de Voyagers meegestuurde muziek en foto's tonen de ziel van de mensheid en zetten aan het denken. Prachtig!"
Philippe Schoonejans - Projectmanager bij het European Space Agency
Tekst Marjolijn van Heemstra Spel Marjolijn van Heemstra/Lisa Verbelen (19 & 20 september)
Muziek Pynarello: Remco Menting, Kika Sprangers, Teis Semey, Thomas Pol, Emma Kroon, Judith Wijzenbeek, Merel Vercammen, Lonneke van Straalen Regie Erik Whien Kostuumontwerp en -uitvoering Erik Bosman, Karin van der Leeuw Techniek Marcel Janssen, Andi Krijgsman Productie Andrea van Bussel Publiciteit Astrid de Haas, Anne Kuit Producenten stg. Marjolijn van Heemstra & Theater Rotterdam
Mede mogelijk gemaakt door ACT, funded with support from the European Union