Or Die Trying
7 okt20:15 - 21:20TRY-OUTTR25 Schouwburg, RotterdamKleine Zaal
8 okt20:15 - 21:20PREMIÈRE - INCLUSIEF NAGESPREKTR25 Schouwburg, RotterdamKleine Zaal
9 okt20:15 - 21:20TR25 Schouwburg, RotterdamKleine Zaal
15 okt20:30Musis & Stadstheater Arnhem, Arnhem
Dance, Thaiboxing and film projection come together in Or Die Trying by choreographer and sociologist Alida Dors. A performance for dreamers and fighters.
How long and how hard do you have to fight to reach your goals? How far are you willing to go? What does your fight look like? Is giving up an option?
The show wants to make the exhaustion that life is tangible. Or Die Trying is a search for finding your own way in the tension of ambition, expectations, self-discipline and self-destruction.
Choreographer and sociologist Alida Dors gives shape to that in a personal interdisciplinary dance chronicle in which dance, film performance and Thaiboxing complement each other. We see Thaiboxers and dancers fighting their own limits. They fight to get better than they are now. Isn't that what life is all about? Growth, development: for yourself, your family, your friends, the gaze of the community and humanity? Become the best you, or die trying.
Or Die Trying was nominated for a Swan (VSCD Dance award) 2020.
concept, choreografie Alida Dors dansers Dylan Kuyper, Sergy Hristo Oralo Sebico, Xander van de Corput boksers Fiona Roos, Dolly Macbean, Juliana Monsalve Arteaga, Irina de Graaf componist, muzikant Simone Giacomini dramaturgie Peggy Olislaegers assistent choreografie Donna Chittick kostuumontwerp, stylist Isis Vaandrager kostuums Erik Bosman, Karin van der Leeuw (Kostuumatelier Theater Rotterdam) lichtontwerp Jeffrey Steenbergen technisch geluidsontwerp David te Marvelde techniek John Thijsen, Sidney van Geest, Michiel Struijk, Jimmy Niesen, Axel Dikkers campagnebeeld Bowie Verschuuren filmmontage Sara Orfali portretfoto's Vera Cornel marketing Yoram Otten, Kirsten Lipman, Robin Laurens, Pien van Pamelen, Nicole Hoven, Sofie de Leede educatie Anne Sollie productieleider Angelique van Beckhoven productiecoördinator Anne van Buuren personal assistent Abigael Sijahailatua met dank aan alle dansers en boksers, Ewald Comvalius, Jaike Belfor, Solid Ground Movement, Sportcentrum Kops, Simson Gym, Team Solo
Or Die Trying is een voorstelling van Theater Rotterdam in coproductie met BackBone en komt tot stand met steun van tanzhaus nrw, Fonds Podiumkunsten en het Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst.