20 okt20:00 - 21:15TR25 Schouwburg, RotterdamGrote zaal
21 okt20:00 - 21:15TR25 Schouwburg, RotterdamGrote zaal
22 okt20:00 - 21:15TR25 Schouwburg, RotterdamGrote zaal
23 okt20:00 - 21:15TR25 Schouwburg, RotterdamGrote zaal
Choreographer Ed Wubbe uses the world famous movie as a starting point to tell a story about passion, freedom and longing for a better world. With a variety of dance styles, circus and music.
The movie Casablanca, starring Ingrid Bergman and Humphrey Bogart, ranks as one of the best movies of all time. Choreographer Ed Wubbe uses the story of this 1942 Hollywood classic as a foundation for a visual production about passion, freedom and a longing for a better world.
Casablanca is set in a place where people, on the run for war, await a better existence. Behind the romantic story there is a twilight world in which the line between reality and fantasy is thin, and where the definition of good and evil fades.
In Casablanca, Wubbe forges several disciplines into a dazzling new whole. He creates a imaginative, theatrical world with dance in different styles, circus elements, acrobatics and music on a rotating stage. The base of the music is the movie's soundtrack, with its unique score and jazz songs from the 1940s. Different arrangements of the famous track As Time Goes By will be featured in the production.
On 25 February Scapino Ballet Rotterdam presents in collaboration with Komt het Zien! a unique edition of Casablanca: a dance performance made accessible to blind and visually impaired people. Prior to the performance, visually impaired people are introduced to the dancers, costumes and scenery. During the performance itself a blind interpreter translates the dance language of Casablanca. The blind and visually impaired receive this information through headphones during the performance.
choreografie Ed Wubbe muziek Dooley Wilson, Cole Porter, Madeleine Lebeau, Jean Lenoir, Joseph Meyer & Roger Wolfe Kahn e.a. kostuums Pamela Homoet