Track: Welcome To Our Guesthouse #7

Productiehuis Theater Rotterdam
wo 6 dec - za 9 dec

Get in and join us on a gentle unraveling, a ride on a spaceship whose destination is still unknown!

The time has come for a new Welcome To Our Guesthouse (WTOG). The artist-in-residence program of Productiehuis Theater Rotterdam. In this edition, once again, we present questions, go against the grid and promise an unforgettable evening. This year makers: Cherish Menzo, Djuwa Mroivili and Joshua Serafin will embark on their research. The results will be presented during this track. The keyword of this edition is: gentle activism. Expect dance, movement, queerness, body poetics and politics, flashing lights, music and lots of questions. 

About this edition

Through practices of queered Filipino mythologies (Joshua Serafin), challenging the dominant traditions and supposed neutrality of classical music (Djuwa Mroivili) and intergenerational, black social dance (Cherish Menzo) these three makers take us on explorations through a broader scala of artforms, creating a new proposal from their artistic practice.

Cherish Menzo presents her research Killed and Extended Darlings: Subtle Whine. She will emerge herself and the audience in the musical, aesthetic, mechanical and geographical nuances of the Whine, which ultimately results in an audiovisual installation and live storytelling performance.

Joshua Serafin continues the research of two intersecting projects, PEARLS and VOID, during WTOG. In the research of PEARLS, Joshua is interested in weaving different art forms and media to question themes relating to identity, transmigration, queer politics and representation. Creating new forms of rituals and embodiment based on queer ecologies. During WTOG Joshua will present the ongoing performative research of their project VOID.

Djuwa Mroivili* is a pianist in the Dutch and international scene. During her research in WTOG, I Vow To Distract Forever, Djuwa continues the activistic and artistic work she has been engaged with for quite some time now: challenging the dominant traditions of classical music. She questions how to break these hierarchies, and create a dynamic in which the process of making and listening to music becomes a pleasurable experience for all involved (performer, instrument and audience).

Christian Yav** is a choreographer and dancemaker. During WTOG we will witness his work Movements of Soul on 9 December, as replacement of Djuwa’s performance. In Movements of Soul, Christian merges movement, music and fashion. In his work, Christian starts from the need to dive into different dimensions, domains where his experience and existence are the starting point.

*Djuwa's performance can be seen from Wednesday 6 till Friday 8 December.
**Christian will perform his solo only on Saturday 9 December filling in for Djuwa's absence.

Start to get in the mood by watching the aftermovie of WTOG 2022!

Dayprogram Take Me Apart

On Saturday December 9, we offer a special day program, Take Me Apart, with workshops, conversations and lectures. Experience a whole day of WTOG with an Afterparty! Click here for info & tickets


Pay what you want

For WTOG we work with the Pay what you want principle. You can choose a ticket for 15, 10 or 5 euros.


Afterdrinks & party

Good to know that during Track: Welcome To Our Guesthouse we serve a special cocktail named Gin me together. On Wednesday 6 December we vibe with DJ Romy Stark and on Saturday 9 December we party with DJ Nawa Sira!

Team, Maker

Joshua Serafin


Djuwa Mroivili


Cherish Menzo


Christian Yav


Richard Kofi & Junadry Leocaria

WTOG Installation maker

Mathieu Wijdeven

WTOG Installation maker

Sue-Ann Bel

WTOG Installation maker

Shainomy Hansen

WTOG Installation maker

Nawa Sira